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Terms of Website

Disclaimer for:

This is a disclaimer which sets out the terms of use on which you agree to by using our website. Please read them thoughtfully and carefully. If you for any reason do not agree, please do not use our website.

1. Information about Us

This website is owned and operated by:
Hammerslaget AS, Drammensveien 281, 3420 Lierskogen, Norway
VAT number 916 369 026MVA Registered in Norway.
Tel: +47 404 06 887
If you need to contact us please use the details above.

2. Accessing our site

2.1 You are allowed to use this website for your own private purposes. You are not allowed to change or edit any of our material and neither repost or republish anything from this site either online or offline without our prior consent..

2.2 It’s we and/or our suppliers/licencors that own the copyright and/or intellectual property to all the material in this website and it may not be copied our reproduced without our prior consent. All rights are reserved.

3. What we expect from You

3.1 Except for your personally identifiable information (which we’ve got covered in our Privacy Policy) any information or material or comments that you decide to post on our website shall and will be considered non-proprietary and not confidential. In other words, unless any other information is provided by you we are free to distribute, incorporate, copy, disclose or use in any and all purposes in which we will find it beneficial.

3.2 Remember that when using our website and you are posting or sending to or from this website you are not allowed to post or send any unlawful material and/or material for which you have not obtained all necessary consents, is pornographic, obscene, defamatory, discriminatory, liable to incite racial hatred, in breach of confidentiality or privacy, which may annoy or be inconvenient to others, which encourages or constitutes conduct that would be a criminal defense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise is contrary to the law in Norway.

3.3 When using this website you are not allowed to knowingly introduce malicious material, Trojan horses, worms, viruses, logic bombs or any other threatening and/or destructive material. Also, you may not try to get unauthorized access to the site or server on which it is stored or attempt any denial of service. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of any such misuse of this site.

3.4 If we should grant you access to any restricted or “members only area” of the website, we will give you a user identification code, password and/or another piece of secret information that will work as a security identifier. It is your duty to keep this information confidential since you are the one responsible for ANY AND ALL action that might take place as a result of access to the website using your identifiers. Should you fail to comply with these terms of use or in any way fail to maintain the security of this website, we reserve the right to disable your access to the restricted area of the website.

4. Access and Site Uptime 

4.1 We may restrict access to this site or parts of the site at our discretion, and access to the site is permitted on a temporary basis. 

4.2 We do what we can to make sure that our website is available 24 hours each day of every year. However, we all know that websites sometimes can encounter downtime due to issues with a server, other technical issues, and/or events outside of our control. Therefore, we are not liable if this website is unavailable at any time.

5. Links to and from other websites

5.1 If and when we should provide you with a link to a third party website it is for your convenience only. We do not and can not review all of the third party websites that we have linked to, nor do we necessarily endorse their content and have no control or responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that might arise from your use of them.

5.2 If you by any chance link to this website, you are only permitted to do so if you do not replicate any page from this website and that you do not expressly say or imply that we are endorsing any products or services you might have unless this has been agreed to by us in advance. In other words you may only link to our website in a fair way, if it is with good in mind and that it does not damage our image, reputation, name or any thing else.

5.3 We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

5.4 If you choose to link to our website in breach of Paragraph 5.2 you shall fully indemnify us for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your actions.

6. Accuracy of information

6.1 As far as possible we do what we can to ensure that the information on our website is correct, but please know that we do not and can not guarantee that everything on this website is correct as humans are involved and we are prone to making mistakes. We may have spelling errors, pricing errors, color errors and many other types of errors, but they will never be intentional.

7. Transactions concluded through the site

7.1 Contracts for the supply of goods or services formed through the site shall be governed by our Terms and Conditions of Supply and the formation or otherwise of contract shall solely be set out in those terms. The information displayed on the site represents an opportunity for you to assess the goods and services though accessing the site; no offer for sale or supply is being made.

7.2 The material displayed on our site is provided without any guarantees, conditions or warranties as to accuracy, suitability, completeness or reliability

8. Disclaimer

8.1 We and/or other parties that we may use for producing, maintaining and/or delivering this website shall not be liable or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that is a result of your usage of this website, either to you or any third party. That also includes service costs, repair costs and without limitation, any other direct, indirect or consequential loss including but not limited to: 

• Loss of income or revenue
• Loss of profit
• Loss of business
• Loss of anticipated savings
• Loss of data
• Loss of goodwill
• Loss of friends
• Wasted time

whether or not caused by tort, breach of contract or otherwise
This exclusion does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.

9. Variation

9.1 These Terms of Website Use can and will be changed from time to time. Please check back once in a while to review the latest terms that apply.

10. Severability

10.1 If we have written or created terms on this website that for some reason are determined to be legally invalid, please let us know. Also, the invalid or unenforceable terms will be superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the rest of the terms will at all times remain in full effect.

11. Law and Jurisdiction

11.1 These Terms of Website Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Norwegian law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with these Terms of Website Use are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Norway.